Created by Nancy Douthey, Brian McCord, and Julia Wallace
Facilitated and directed by Elia Arce
Music remix by Mark Hesterlee
Core performers while during the conception semester that were apart of the class are: Drew Bettge, Lindsay Burleson, Nancy Douthey, Ian Fernandez, Elizabeth Fowler, Brian McCord, Patrick O'Brien Doyle, Nick Teel, Tyson Urich, Julia Wallace
Boom BoxZ provided by Patrick O'Brien Doyle and Mark Correro
Credit for all locations is not complete. Please contact Nancy ( for inclusion regarding your participation or documentation credit.
SexyATTACK is a two minute and fifty two second, sexually invigorating group movement inspired by Eric Prydz’ erotic workout music video. The work will be performed in public spaces for a variety of unexpecting audiences. LUCKY THEM!